August 13, 2010

tough revelations.

A few things have become very evident to me over the last few days, tough revelations I would call them:

1.  I don't look good in pregnant. some people don't look good in orange or green.  I don't look good in pregnant.  I'm not graceful or cute, just awkward and round.  I only have 16 weeks left, so I think I can deal with my predicament for now.

2.  I might never be cool again. I saw a early twenties blonde girl cruising down West End yesterday, she just looked cool and then it hit me, I will never be that cool again.  I will be too worried about Parker and being a mom to look or even play that part again.  Maybe I can make baby drool the new cool?

3.  I won't see my feet again until 2011.

I'm slowly learning to deal with each of these things.  As long as I can fit back into my jeans once Parker arrives, life will be good again for me, cool or not.

**This is a photo of Kevin from the softball tournament he played in over the weekend.  He looks cool here, so I thought this might up my cool factor.  Photo courtesy of Jaime Mitchell

August 11, 2010

parker worley: world traveler

August is going to be a busy week for the us, as is most of September.  We have a wedding in Ohio in 2 weeks, where Parker will get to meet most of my best friends (the only aunts he will have) and then off to California for my baby shower and maybe a weekend at the beach somewhere in between?  I guess I should be reveling in the fact that he travels light for now.  I can see loads of baby gear traveling with us in the near future. 

Speaking of baby gear, I am still in the process of registering.  I just can't seem to commit to decor, much less a crib.  I have managed to avoid traveling back to Babies 'R' Us and have added items one at a time online, the original list started with 19 items and its somehwere near 50 now.  Thank goodness.  

I did manage to find a sheet set that I think will work well.  Its called Nantucket, preppy and clean but covered in alligators.  Parker seems like a preppy alligator wrestler name to me, or maybe just a southern gentleman?